Rate | Cost |
Yearly | $500.00 |
Semi-Annual | $400.00 |
Quarterly | $350.00 |
Weekly | $50.00 |
Non-Profit Weekly | $10.00 |
Restaurant (Seating Separate) | $930.00 |
Electric Access | $70.00/outlet |
Electric Case | $100.00/case |
Pricing Subject to Change
Interested vendors should contact Valerie Meyers (VMeyers@HanoverBoroughPA.gov) at the Hanover Borough office at 717-637-3877 for more information about availability and vendor contract requirements.
The Hanover Market House is open every Saturday, year round with occasional special Market days depending on how major holidays fall.
All vendors are required to have a valid sales tax license, PA Dept. of Agriculture, SafeServ registration or any required inspections or licenses according to your business type.
Vendors who enter into contracts are expected to follow the Hanover Market House ordinance and rules.
Examples of Market tables. Pricing is based on these tables.
Approximately 7' Long x 30" Wide x 34" High. Storage below from behind.